Eric Harris liked to think of himself as a tough, mean guy. He was Reb, a Rebel. Someone who didn’t fit into social norms, nonetheless, he found himself craving to fit in; to blend into the crowd. Contradicting thoughts of wanting to be someone and no-one at the same time. The crisp Autumn air tickled his nose as he stood out in the smokers pit. He had never liked smoking, but he’s been trying so hard recently to learn to like it. Dylan did it after all, so it must be somewhat cool.
Dressed in his black Tier shirt, jeans, and combat boots, he pushed the cigarette past his lips once more. He hated the taste of it. He hated everything about smoking; how the scent lingered on his clothes, how bullies would make comments about how he stunk, how you were so concerned about his health.
When it came to you, he felt like the most uncool person in the entire world. Compared to you, he was just some dork loser that didn’t deserve any ounce of your attention. But, he always got it anyways, no matter what. After school that day, he and you had planned to hangout at his house for a bit, maybe get some pizza and watch a movie. Just an average hangout session between two good friends. Or so he wished. The thing is, Eric has had the biggest crush on you ever since you guys had met. In his eyes you were so, so perfect. Like an angel that had come down from the heavens to bless him for the short amount of time left he had on this Earth.
Eric flinched slightly as he suddenly jumped from his thoughts, hearing laughing behind him; he turned around. You were standing there laughing like a maniac as you looked at him. He felt his heart race, blood rushing to his face.
“What you laughing at?” He grunted out, tossing his cigarette to the ground and stomping it out.
“You weren’t supposed to-” You laugh, “to turn around yet!”
He furrows his brows at your words.
“What? Are you planning something or whatever?” With this he was met with an eye roll. Anyone else wouldn’t put up with your games and weird tactics for attention, but Eric was glad that at least someone wanted attention from him.
“I was gonna scare you, man,”
“If you think that you can scare me then you must be retarded.”
After school you found yourself in Eric’s room. You two had plans to watch a movie, but his father was hogging the living room TV and Eric had enough respect left for him to not tell him to move his ass and learn to share.
So, here you two were. Bored and trying to come up with ideas of what to do. It was getting late, but not late enough for you to go home, just late enough that things were closing and the sun was starting to set.
Out of the blue, Eric decided to start up a conversation.
“Have you ever thought about how weird it is that people have like, a kink for being called certain things?”
“What do you mean?”
“Like, only little kids use the word daddy, why is that like, hot?” You couldn’t help but look over at him and cock an eyebrow. “No, dude, like,” He started fumbling over his words out of embarrassment, “I’m not saying that I find it hot, I just, like, you know…” He trailed off, adjusting his sitting position to stretch his legs out onto his covers as he leaned against the headboard of his bed. You were sitting on the side of the bed a few inches away from his legs.
“From the way you’re reacting, I wouldn’t be dumb to assume you like being called daddy,” You tease him, holding back a laugh as the words slip from your mouth. You also couldn’t deny that you liked being called that as well.
“No. Dude, no, ew! Don’t even suggest shit like that” Eric pushed your shoulder with his hand.
“Hey, I’m just saying, if you are, it's okay. ‘Cus I am too, ya know.” The other teen felt like his face was about to melt off once he heard you say that.
“You like being called daddy?” He asked for clarification.
“I mean, yeah.”
“Pfft. Okay, ‘daddy’” Eric laughed out, his tone teasing to mock you. He didn’t know why, but the title seemed to oddly fit you, and he liked the way it rolled off his tongue and made your cheeks flush.
You felt slightly embarrassed by Eric, of course you did, who wouldn’t, but it seemed as if the atmosphere between you two had shifted ever so slightly. The small bedroom seemed more cramped, more hot, more sheltered from what was outside these walls. It felt like it was just you and Eric for now.
“Yeah, I’m your daddy?” You say in response, attempting to joke with Eric some more, but your words just seemed hushed and needy, like you were asking a genuine question and not just screwing around.
“Whatever, quit it.” Eric looked away from you, his teeth found his bottom lip as he chewed on it as he thought. “I don’t wanna… joke about this anymore. You made it weird.”
“No,” You breathe out, turning to face Eric; you scoot closer to him on the bed. “Do you think I’d make a good ‘daddy’ for you, Reb?” You had no clue why you were egging it on like this, but the feeling of Eric’s embarrassment as you pressed on and on was intoxicating. You wanted to kiss his bitten-up lips. You wanted to be that father figure that the man downstairs couldn’t be.
Eric didn’t reply, instead just continuing to look away and giving you side-eyed glances every now and then.
“You see, the thing is,” You move closer, resting a hand on his thigh, “I think your real dad is shit.”
“Your point is?” Eric whispers. His body tenses up slightly as you touch him, but then relaxes.
“When was the last time you felt like you could unwind, dude? Be a child?”
“We’re not children anymore.”
“I know that.” God, Eric was fucking stubborn. Couldn’t he see what you were trying to do? You just wanted to take care of him in your own fucked up way. Maybe if he would let you comfort him just this once, he wouldn’t be so on edge all the time. You sit there for a few minutes, your mind telling you to laugh it off as a joke, but you were craving something.
“I wish I was a kid again, though,” Eric mumbles out suddenly, his voice cracking.
Your ears perk up at this and you feel the need to soothe him.
“Shh, shhh, it’s okay, Reb. Hey man, come ‘ere,” You move to sit right beside him and ease him into your arms. He whimpers and cries quietly into your shoulder.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. I’m here for you, m’kay? Don’t cry, baby,” You speak quiet comfort to him.
“I just, fuck, man. You’re so comforting. I wish you were my real dad.”
“I may not be your dad, but I can be your daddy,” Saying those words seemed to have flipped a nonexistent switch in Eric’s primal monkey brain. He curls up close to you, straddling your waist as he wraps his arms around your torso and stuffing his tear-ridden face into your shoulder, practically smothering you in what he’d call love.
“Okay,” He speaks in a softer tone. “I dunno why, but I just, I feel like a little kid. Like, my brain’s full of these thoughts about just wanting to be held by… by you. And, to uh, I dunno. It’s stupid.”
“No, no, tell me.”
“I just want you to be my daddy, as, hah, as weird as that sounds.”
You move one of your hands to rub circles into the fabric covering Eric’s back. Inside you were a mess of feelings. You had finally gotten Eric right where you wanted him. No more feeling like he was above you, you had the power now. Eric relied on you now.
“I can be your daddy, baby. It’s not weird.” You reassure him, “Just relax, okay? I’m here.”
“M’kay,” Eric hums out, you can tell he’s slipping further and further into the fantasy that you two had made-up. His thumb finds his mouth and he nuzzles close to you as he sucks on it. His tears have dried now and you two sit in a silent peacefulness that you ponder if you’ll ever feel again.
“You’re such a good boy for me, Reb. You’re the best baby boy I could have asked for,” As you praise him, you move your hands down from his back and towards his ass, groping it as you shower him with even more words of affection.
“Mh, what ya doin’, daddy?” Eric’s voice sounds as small as his mindset at this point.
“Don’t worry about it. Daddy just wants to show you how much he loves you.” You grab and grope his ass even harder, eventually not being able to hold yourself back from grinding against him.
You just can’t help yourself anymore. After months of reading forum posts about this type of stuff online, you couldn’t help but jump at the opportunity to indulge in your fantasies in real life. Eric had set it up perfectly as well. That makes you wonder if he’s ever experimented in these kinds of things before too.
Quiet sounds of enjoyment leave Eric’s mouth as he sucks even more on his thumb, a trail of drool leaves his lips and smears on the shoulder of your shirt. You wish you could see his face right now. You wish you could see how his cheeks burn as red as you want to make his ass look. You feel your hands moving again, tugging at the waistband of Eric’s pants, but ultimately you decide that this position isn’t the best. You want to see Eric’s messy face.
You flip your positions, your arms landing on both sides of Eric’s surprised face as you lean on your elbows to stare down at him.
“Hey, baby.”
Eric gives no response, just looking at you with curious eyes as he continues to suck mercilessly on his thumb. He still gives no response as you sit up between his legs and begin to pull his jeans and boxers down.
“Daddy…” He mumbles out, his voice muffled by his thumb, “That’s… what you doin’?”
“Don’t worry ‘bout it.”
You continue to slide his pants down and off his ankles, the clothing being discarded onto the floor of Eric’s bedroom. Your mouth starts to water as you look down at Eric’s half-hard dick. You assume it to be about five inches in length, but can’t be so sure. Dark pubes curl at the base of it and tickle your face as you lean down and press a kiss to his tip.
“Mh! Daddy-” Eric gasps out as you take him partially into your mouth. Your hand wraps around the base of his dick as you lick at the underside of his tip and swirl your tongue around it. Eric’s hips thrust into your mouth as he looks down at you, drool pooling down the side of his mouth and onto his cheek and neck. “Mmhh… Nh... Ah!”
Instead of slowing your assault at the sounds of Eric’s whimpers and moans, you take it as a sign to continue.
You lean up, your hand still slowly jerking Eric off as he leaks enough precum to make the strokes easy. You begin to unlatch your belt, tugging it off and onto the floor with the remains of Eric’s discarded pants. You slide your pants down enough to let your dick escape into the warm bedroom air. Eric babbles something to himself as he watches you with needy eyes. He may not be in the mindset to say it right now, but he’s been waiting for this moment for months.
“Look at how much bigger my dick is than yours, baby,” You begin to say, rutting your dick against Eric’s, taking both into your hand. “It’s okay though, you’re just a little boy. You’re still growing. I wouldn’t expect you to be that big.”
“I’m not that little, daddy! I’m- I’m a big boy!” Eric whimpers out in protest.
“Awh, no, baby. You’re just a little boy! I know you think you’re so big and strong, but you’re not right now, are ya? You’re just daddy’s tiny baby.” You thrust into your hand a bit faster now as you look down at Eric’s red face and his spit covered lips. “You’re a dumb fucking baby now.”
You hold yourself back when you feel like you might cum, stopping your thrusts and sitting back on your heels again. You lean up on your knees over Eric and grab his legs, throwing them over your shoulders as you pull his ass to meet your hips. The other teen looked at you with shock and nervousness as you grabbed your dick and positioned it up against the tight ring of flesh between his asscheeks.
“Daddy, I don’t think I wan-” You press forward, your tip penetrating his ass. “Ah! Stop! Wha- stop!” You groan and press forward more. Eric begins to struggle and cry, but you hold him down.
“Be quiet.” You bark at him, “Be a good little boy and let daddy use you for what you were made for.”
You can tell that Eric’s never had anything up his ass before. He’s so goddamn tight and it’s enough to make your dick feel like it’s being kissed by a thousand angels all around. You begin to move back and forth in small, shallow thrusts of your hips. It’s enough that you feel you can manage without hurting Eric too much. He breathes heavily as his eyes watch your hip move slowly in and out of his ass. He seems perplexed, like he couldn’t in a million years ever think of this happening, but here he was. Or, perhaps, he was in so much pain that his brain couldn’t even register anything anymore. After a few more thrusts, you felt like you were about to hit that point of sweet, sweet release. You lean down and shove your lips against Eric’s, licking up all of the saliva that had gathered there. Your thrusts speed up even more before you break away and watch as you fill the other boy's ass with your cum. You pull out steadily, Eric looking up at you spent, scared, and hesitant. As you tuck yourself back into your pants and grab your belt off the floor, Eric sits up and keeps staring at you for a few moments before muttering out a quiet,
“Get the fuck out of my house.”